Software Engineer


I provide general consulting services in the areas of information technology, web development and computer aided drafting.

Web development utilizing PHP, Javascript and MySQL. Popular web technologies are used to create internet applications and manage web communities.

Around the Web



A plugin for vBulletin that allows you to manage your TeamSpeak users and links their forum account to their TeamSpeak account.

  • vBulletin Modification, PHP, MySQL
  • gXboxLive

    An Xbox Live Leaderbaord for communities.


    A plugin for vBulletin which allows you to display popup World of Warcraft character information in your forums posbit.


    Software that allows guild members to sign up for calendar events.

  • vBulletin Modification, PHP, MySQL
  • gWoWRoster

    Displays your World of Warcraft guild roster.


    Software that reads and displays the current activity of TeamSpeak servers.


    Takes a screenshot when your World of Warcraft character gains a level.

  • World of Warcraft Modification, LUA
  • DeathSnap

    Takes a screenshot when your World of Warcraft character dies.

    Featured on December 2009.

  • World of Warcraft Modification, LUA
  • AchievementSnap

    Takes a screenshot when your World of Warcraft character obtains an achievement.

    Featured on April 2008.

  • World of Warcraft Modification, LUA
  • ZoneTimer

    Simply times how long it takes to load a new area in World of Warcraft.

  • World of Warcraft Modification, LUA
  • Portfolio

    Dream Dinners
    Dream Dinners

    Full time developer. Develop new features, maintain monthly data.

    Created a social network framework from scratch. The network can host multiple users, each users page can be independently colored and populated with social data.

    • Design, Code, Administration, Hosting
    • Retired
    North Albany Village
    North Albany Village

    Created brochure site for North Albany Village, LLC construction project.

    • Design, Code, Administration, Hosting
    • Retired
    Corvallis Station
    Corvallis Station

    Created brochure site for Corvallis Station, LLC construction project.

    • Design, Code, Administration, Hosting
    • Retired
    Stone River Design
    Stone River Design

    Originally designed and implemented CubeCart software. Later developed a store front utilizing Bootstrap. The content is entirely driven by the Etsy API.

    Sofast Racing Inc.
    Sofast Racing Inc.

    Commercial website created to showcase Sofast Racing services.

    • Design, Code, Administration, Hosting
    • Retired
    Acrophobia Flashback
    Alexandria Investment Co., Inc.

    Created a small site dedicated to remembering the multiplayer word game, Acrophobia

    Allied Tribal Forces
    Allied Tribal Forces

    Created web community for an online gaming group. Website based on vBulletin forum software.

    Alexandria Investment Co., Inc.
    Alexandria Investment Co., Inc.

    Created brochure site for Alexandria Investment Co., Inc. services.

    • Design, Code, Administration, Hosting
    • Retired
    The Hounds of Zeus
    The Hounds of Zeus

    Created web community for an online gaming group. Website based on vBulletin forum software.